Il designer spagnolo presenterà la sua collezione il prossimo 23 Gennaio.
Arturo Obegero sfila alla Paris Fashion Week

Il designer spagnolo presenterà la sua collezione il prossimo 23 Gennaio.
Romanticism is an attitude. It’s not only about being sweet or being in love. Romanticism is that state of soul in which you are …
Once upon a time there was a girl, no pretty and no unpretty, just a girl, loved by her friends and her family, but incredibly …
Last two days i worked very hard. Bafta and Grammy: i han no time to breathe, and if you want to read my articles click …
Everytime i read an interview or an article on fashion newspaper, i noticed there is always a question and the same answer, everytime. It can …
You know i love music very much, and above all I love to discover new talents in music and fashion. So, you can imagine how i like …
As Fashion Editor for a newspaper, it’s my duty to pay attention to everything, every news, every trends, every model. It’s a little mess, but I …
I read on the newspaper that today is the most sad day of the year, well, for me it’s not sad, but certainly it’s the …
Ok, as i promised, is alive! Yess!! Welcome to my new home, and pay attention, you can hurt something. A new site, not just …