
Christmas is that period of the year when everyone remembers to be good, but unfortunately in this bad world, the good is needed every day to change it. Yesterday, it has been launched the new version of the song Do they know it’s Christmas time by Band Aid, and this time it helps to stop the virus, Ebola.It’s strange, maybe that a fashion blogger talks about it, but if you know me a little bit, you know that i wish for a better world. I try to do my best, my part. Music and fashion can help to change the lives of those who need it, and that song reminds me. There is an another song, or better an another album who reminds me a happy period of my life, where everything was easy. Cheek to cheek by Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett. They are the faces of latest H&M Christmas collection: maybe their songs don’t change the world, but i believe if you’re happy, you’re more inclined to want to help others. The collection is chic and comfortable as H&M is, and some clothing could brighten your holidays, or they could be an excellent gift. Or maybe you do as I think I do: buy something, but not for you or for who you loves, but for someone who you don’t know and that maybe your gift gives hope to this person. Is not this the true magic of Christmas?

          ps: this is the video of Band AId – Do they know it’s Christmas time? Check it out here ,                           watch the video, buy the song and don’t forget: FEED THE WORLD

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Cristina Izzo

Editor in Chief of TheAuburnGirl. Former Fashion Editor of

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