Cara Delevingne
It’s all a matter of point of view.

And now i tell you what i’ve recently discovered. When i was a teenager, i had a strange and complicated relationship with fashion. For example, i love dungarees, specially dark denim. It was as an obsession. But, ‘cause there is always a but in a story, I do not travel at high altitudes, and with this I do not mean that I’m not uptown girl (because I’m not, but I’m okay), but I’m a little more than high-Kylie Minogue. She is 153 cm high? Well I’m miserable 160 cm high. Now, you can imagine a midget like me wearing dungarees and sneakers? Fashion Police, hurry up!!! Since then, i said to myself  “Out of sight, out of mind”. and what is one of the seasonal trends for fall 2014, a trend that all the celebs are wearing? WTF!!! Chic, boho, preppy, sporty, choose the style you want, the shoes you want and wear it.  MAybe you’ll be cool as Cara or olivia. Me? I look at you from the edge of the road, waiting for the next trend… NEXT!!!!

Olivia Palermo
Blake Lively

French Connection

Pictures: Forever21, French Connection, Topshop, Revolve / Official Websites

Cristina Izzo

Editor in Chief of TheAuburnGirl. Former Fashion Editor of

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