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ph_O36_FW15_1123In Milan, the brand OFFICINA36 was recently presented.
The company was created in 2009 in Mondolfo, in the provinces of Pesaro and Urbino, by a history of tradition and small workshops. 36 is in fact the number of business licenses issued in 1938 by the City of Mondolfo, grandfather of the creators of Officina36.
The brand focuses on men’s fashion collections, men who are inspired by the dynamism of fast fashion, However, putting attention to fabrics, details and research.
Always in step with the times, is Officina36 constantly evolving and offers trendy clothes that are but seeks above all to anticipate tomorrow’s fashions.

Opportunity is the word That best sums up the philosophy of Officina36 and also is the name chosen for the pre-fall / winter 2015-16 , celebrating His style as a way of life as well as a way of dressing.

Images: Press Office