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Simon Pierro : magician, leads viewers to unexplored places, upsetting, impressing, making you smile. And all with a simple iPad .Simon Pierro

Pierro is a German skilled illusionist (born and raised in Waldbronn, Baden-Wurttemberg) and since childhood has been fascinated with magic tricks and optical illusions. Pierro has a degree in Business Administration and Computer Engineering. He has a charming personality and is charismatic, so he immediately understood the potential of his charm and his ability to charm whoever was in front of him, coming soon to use his knowledge of technology to win over the public.

The Magician’s debut on the big screen took place on a German talk show ( Menschen der Woche , People of the week), where Pierro managed to captivate viewers with quick movements, games of colors and seemingly incomprehensible gestures.

From this first appearance, the renowned magician’s use of the iPad has spread, especially thanks to  Youtube and sharing of videos and comments on other social media sites.

In 2002 Pierro won the title of Magician of the Year, winning fame at European level. A year later he became world champion at the Championships of Magic, and finally, in 2004, won all the magic of Siegfried and Roy Tournament, held in Las Vegas, leaving the crowd and judges gaping.

The novelty of this iPrestigiatore lies in “rejuvenate” the trick of the rabbit in the hat, replacing the saw and the cards up his sleeve a common accessory and essential for most of us. Pierro has not only been able to make the iPad a useful item to impress and amaze, but has also developed a number of Apps to stage unique and interactive illusions.

Recently a guest of the American television program The Ellen DeGeneres’ show , Pierro left his audience totally speechless, leading them to believe they can extract and store items in your iPad with a simple hand movement. An unforgettable experience and undoubtedly unique. And to confirm it is the face of Ellen!