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The web offers, the web sentences.
Two weeks ago, it was the famous dress blue-black or white-gold being talked about involving the Internet (and even many celebs) in speculation, comments, and even lawsuits.
Now is time for the second chapter: what color nail polish and lipstick are in the photo? Antique pink or burgundy? As well as a few weeks ago everyone was wondering the actual color of the dress was (with an interview with the designer for an official confirmation), today we all wonder about the trick that seems to change colors depending on the background of the photo.
You want the answer? The third photo will solve the riddle.
Same colour
The original image has a transparency at nails and lips. This way when the bottom of the picture is white color is perceived old rose, while when the bottom is black, burgundy appears. Changing the background color of nail polish and lipstick will always appear so different.