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From March 14 to June 14 next to Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emila you can not miss the exciting exhibition ” Piero della Francesca. The design of art and science . ”

The event will celebrate the artist in His dual role of master of the fresh and mathematician.

At the exhibition you can admire: 7 specimens of Latin and vulgar of De Prospectiva Pingendi from Bordeaux, London, Milan, Paris and Reggio Emila; 2 codes of the Abaco and Archimedes from Florence, and the Libellus de quinque corporibus regolaribus guarded in the Vatican.

Also there will be an exhibition built on the chapters of De Piero Prospectiva That show the theoretical side, estimated from all perspectives by painters. Thanks to the collaboration of the University of Modena and Reggio Emila some machines reproduce scientifically mathematical tools of the master’s workshop, while the “Ideal City” will be “conquered” by the use of multimedia and an innovative app.