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Innovation through tradition. This assumption perfectly sums up the creations of young knitwear designer Carlo Volpi.

Born in Empoli (Tuscany), but lives in London, where he studied fashion and developed a passion for knitting, something that has enchanted his mind and heart since childhood. Volpi currently creates mesh models characterized by multi- colored moods, graphics, and unusual points.

The dichotomous approach to knitwear is the result of his “divided soul”, his background and his encounter with the London club culture, an experience that profoundly transformed his personal approach to fashion and style.

The tradition of the Italian knitwear, clashes in the creations of Volpi with the fancy yarn edge, with colors from the air of pop and never dull. For his latest collection “nothing” is the inspiration, the screen of a TV will search the dimension of nothingness and the contemporary. It explores the depth and texture of unique items and stylistic recognizable.

Keep your mind open to every stimulus, for example, opposites – such as good and evil / beauty and ugliness – ideas are very subjective, so you can find inspiration in everything, especially in bad things. This is the key to understanding the work of the young talent.

So eyes open for young singing and investigates the ugliness, as virgin territory for inspiration. His name is viral and his collaboration with  Spazio Ricerca at Pitti Filati is evidence of an experiment like that.

Facebook and its online store, are trying to get their hands on knitwear produced by him.