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British artist Banksy has created four new murals in the place of conflict; Gaza.
After the reportage comics Zerocalcare to Kobane, comes the video of the murals by Banksy in Gaza.
Ironically presented as a commercial tourist and posted on Youtube, the video shows the real Gaza where the population lives thier daily life in the midst of the rubble. The video is only two minutes long but has a strong impact, and there is a kitten!
“A man asked me what it meant to my work and I explained that I wanted to show the destruction of Gaza putting pictures on my site, but that people on the internet only look at photos of kittens,” said Banksy.
You can not blame the British writer, and the white cat with red bow painted on what remains of a wall, for wanting to make us reflect. The first graffiti that appears in the video is, not surprisingly, inspired by “The Thinker” by Auguste Rodin and is titled “Bomb Damage”. In another we see children on a carousel that is not really a carousel, because in Gaza there are those who should have the right to play but it was stolen. The last work that appears is a red, in English, which reads: “If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless, we side with the powerful – we don’t remain neutral ”, the perfect combination for a conflict and rending now too much media attention as the one between Israel and Palestine. The artist had made other murals in the city but are not present in the video.

Banksy delves into the tunnels illegally and Zerocalcaare that fills the bags of white rice and yellow (which is actually cous cous), it seems that independent artists are being increasingly mobilizing to provide information not filtered and more human, launching a message of freedom that comes from art.