Wild side of… boots by Modern Vice

Good morning nice girls, and nice boys!!! Yesterday i discovered how many men follow my blog, and i was really surprised! Thank you guys! I’ll try in the future to write more about menswear, i give you my word. Today’s article comes from a curious fact: Has it ever happened to you to enter your E-mail to a newsletter at some site and then forget about it? And then, of course, wonder why there are all those emails to read? Most of the time you think “it’s just advertising,” but I’m a woman and it is normal that sooner or later I yield to the temptation to read one of them. And so it was yesterday, so i discovered my new love, Modern Vice.

Whoever follows me for some time now knows my passion for boots, especially ankle boots, then you can easily understand how my esyes shone last night. Natalie Suarez and Jordan Adoni are the designers and co-owerns of the brand, their purpose is to create shoes with excellent quality, and with a factory in Manhattan is easy to understand how and how much these shoes are the most stylish possible, and more often than not, they themselves are the true trendsetter. Each shoe is exquisite in every detail, and each one is handmade by artisans incredible. Describing their brand, designers say that “In a world moving so fast, Modern Vice captivates its audience by supplying footwear and fashion enthusiasts with luxurious, high quality products. Modern Vice develops its products with a focus on quality, fast accessible fashion, and the necessity of all stylistic individuals in mind. “. Well, What better way to say that they draw shoes that anyone would want to wear? For Spring Summer 2014, Modern Vice proposes a wide range of choice, including boots in line with seasonal trends, both in form and bright colors. Straps, python print, fringes, bright and precoius details enrich the footwear, and God only knows how much I would like to enrich my wardrobe with at least 10 of these fantastic footwear. At the end of the post, you can find my personal selection. The American fashion trend of wearing boots in summer has arrived in Italy for a while, might as well make the most of this opportunity, do not you think?

My personal wishlist

Pictures: Moder Vice

Cristina Izzo

Editor in Chief of TheAuburnGirl. Former Fashion Editor of Quotidianomime.com

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