Chic and Easy with Manila Grace Denim

Wednesday is arrived, we are almost mid-week, and sometimes it is not simple easy to be inspired. So today, it’s come to our rescue Manila Grace.

This brand proposes very interesting pieces for its collections, because it’s possible looking a no common style, a very unique interpretation of fashion clothes, with a touch of new and vintage at the same time.

Denim, fur, camouflage, lace: all seasonal trends are perfectly mixed, in a wide color palette: warm and vibrant colors, able to infuse warmth and vitality to clothing.

This Manila Grace Collection pays attention to the women’s ability to reinvent herself and show herself capable of dealing with any kind of occasion.
The blazer is declined in various styles and fabrics, but it gives extra touch that never hurts to an outfit, it is a part in harmony with the rest of the clothing but does not let overwhelm.

The skirts have no half measures: or too long or short, in both cases women’s legs are enhanced, the excellence par symbol of seduction. 

This collection it’s made with pieces everyone would love. All pieces are perfect for every kind of occasion, you can mix them in so many different ways and you will have always different results. But Denim collection is only a part of the wide world of Manila Grace.
Stay tuned to discover the rest of this incredible brand.

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Cristina Izzo

Editor in Chief of TheAuburnGirl. Former Fashion Editor of

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